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Shin Megami Tensei IV Coming to EU as an eShop Release

After a year of anxious and uncertain waiting, Shin Megami Tensei IV for the 3DS was announced for a European eShop release this past week at E3.

This is something of a late post, but I was compelled to make it because it’s something of an unfortunate running joke that European gamers often get the “short end of the stick” with games, whether it be later release dates, different preorder bonuses, or even absence of physical releases compared to North America. The relationship between Atlus and European gamers in particular doesn’t have the best track record: of note recently is Devil Survivor 2 (DS) almost not coming to Europe and Persona 4: Arena’s delays. Shin Megami Tensei IV seems to continue this trend; it’s a happy thing to note that European gamers will have access to the game, but a delayed digital release is a rough trend to contend with.

I had hopefully speculated that once Sega bought Atlus the former could assist the latter with distribution and publishing in Europe. While there is still nothing known about the relationship between Sega and Atlus since the acquisition, hopefully what I and others have speculated about might come to fruition.

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