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Etrian Mystery Dungeon Released in the US

Etrian Mystery Dungeon, the roguelike cross-over between the Etrian Odyssey and the Mystery Dungeon franchises, is now available in the US. Overall, the game has been receiving favorable reviews, often praising the game for successfully combining the formula of the two different franchises, and also noting the game provides a challenge even to gamers familiar with the genre. In light of the release, Atlus USA has posted a new unboxing video for the game, which you can watch here:


“God is a Geek” also has an interview up with Atlus USA where they discuss the localization process of the game. Among other things, it explains how Atlus USA actually started work on the localization of Etrian Mystery Dungeon while the game was still under development in Japan, which also meant they sometimes needed to make adjustments because of changes made to the game by the developers. You can find the article here.

Lastly, the game’s first-run copies include bonuses which we detailed in a previous article. These are available as long as supplies last.

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