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Lost Dimension’s “Deep Vision” Trailer

Lost Dimension Poster

AtlusUSA uploaded a new trailer for Lost Dimension ahead of its impending North American (July 28th) and European (August 28th) releases. It’s a minute long and offers a glimpse into the Judgment process that occurs after a battle.

During the Judgment section, you’ll be able to keep track of current relationships with your compatriots as well as “mark” your assessment of their trustworthiness for future reference, essentially making a personal note for yourself. Players will be given a set amount of Vision Points that can be used for Sho’s “Deep Vision” ability, which allows him to peer into the mind of one of your teammates and hopefully glean hints as to who among the group is the traitor. Then, players will allot Sho’s votes and determine who is to be permanently erased from the journey. The game isn’t necessarily going to suggest to you whether or not you’re making the right decision once someone has been erased. Choose well!

Check out the trailer after the break.

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