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Legend of Legacy Character Trailers – Garnet and Liber + Recent Twitch Stream Footage

Legend of Legacy Liber

AtlusUSA’s new character trailer for The Legend of Legacy  shows off two very different personalities. Liber is the Treasure Hunter, a “spirited scavenger with a taste for adventure.” Without a care in the world save for himself, he ventures to Avalon for money. In his battle segments we see him lay waste to enemies with his bow and arrow techniques. As a party member, Liber lends himself to a supporting role. Garnet is the Templar, a “loyal knight of the Holy Order.” Unlike Liber, she is highly committed and not so carefree. Garnet travels to Avalon to weed out those spreading rumors of gods dwelling among the living…but one has to wonder about the details in such situations as these. Garnet’s battle footage show her ramming through enemies with a shield and attacking enemies with a two-handed sword, and as a party member she’s designed to be a balanced fighter.

Additionally, members of AtlusUSA’s PR team streamed themselves playing the game this Wednesday for about an hour and a half. The footage has been uploaded to YouTube. Check it out below if you missed it, or if you’d like a chance to really immerse yourself in the game! If you want a fresh experience, you might not want to watch for too long. Especially if you plan on trying out Garnet’s scenario, which was the one chosen for the stream.

Continue reading to check out both videos!

Liber and Garnet Trailer

August 25th The Legend of Legacy Stream Footage

Credit for the character info goes to Gematsu, while credit for the featured image goes to this article.

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