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Sega & Atlus Games Lineup at E3

E3 is about to begin, so we thought it would be worth taking a look at what games Sega and Atlus will be showing there. First off, here’s Sega’s lineup:

Although it’s a small lineup, the games featured there aren’t exactly small titles. Alien Isolation and Sonic Boom are both big-budget AAA games, which we hope will turn out to be a success for Sega. After the disappointing reviews for Aliens: Colonial Marines and Sonic Lost World, the fans of both franchises will be looking closely to see if The Creative Assembly, Sanzaru and Big Red Button Entertainment can do better than the studios that worked on the previous games.

But of course, it’s Project Diva F 2nd that will be receiving a bit more attention from our part, given how it’s the only game developed by Sega of Japan, and it was also in our list of games we wanted to see localized. Sega have made it no secret that the original Project Diva F was a success for them, so we’re hoping Project Diva F 2nd will be do even better this time around. With the game already released in Japan, we already know the game will be largely the same as Project Diva F in terms of gameplay. In this case though, this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. For anyone that enjoyed the original, we can safely say they’ll also enjoy the sequel. Furthermore, the fact that the game includes plenty of songs from other Project Diva games is actually a selling point for the localized version, given how those games were never released outside of Japan.

While we’re hoping to see a few more surprises from Sega, it doesn’t appear all too likely. If anything, it would be nice to at least hear about the status of Phantasy Star Online 2 from Sega.

On the Atlus side of things, they actually have more games than Sega this time around.

The big games here are obviously the three Persona titles. Persona 5 is absent, but we’ll still be getting a closer look at the other Persona titles that are heading to the West.

Lastly, we’d like to mention our friends at SEGAbits will also be reporting live from E3!

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