Etrian Odyssey 2: Knight of Fafnir’s Protagonist Gets Ugly, Plot Premise Outlined

After Etrian Odyssey 2: Knight of Fafnir’s initial reveal, Famitsu has released a little more information on the game. Like the original Etrian Odyssey II, the game takes place in the world of Lagaard. Gematsu shares the details in their writeup. The plot starts with Princess Arianna (pictured left) of the Duchy of Caledonia traveling with a party to Ginnunga, a land of mysterious ancient ruins, for a special centennial ritual. Soon after arriving at their destination, the protagonist appears to be stricken with some sort of ailment, prompting him to transform. His eyes go red, his skin hardens, his colors change and his sullen countenance takes on more of a demonic face. This was an ability initially given passing mention in the game’s initial reveal, and it seems that not only will the ability be available early on, but it could perhaps be a central plot point in this essentially newer story.

The plot is supposed to be an “expanded story” of sorts based on many of the elements already present in the original Etrian Odyssey II. Etrian Odyssey Untold added quite a lot compared to the first game, so it will be interesting to see how this second enhanced game turns out.

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  1. Pingback: New Protagonist Trailer for Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold | Segalization

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