Etrian Odyssey II Untold Shows off UI Elements and Takes Cues From Persona Q

It’s been a while since we’ve written about Etrian Odyssey II Untold, but the official Japanese website’s blog section for the game has received more frequent updates as of late. Some of these updates are quite extensive and talk about gameplay, while others highlight promotional activities for the game. Recent blog posts include pictures of promotional merchandise and a crossover promotion with the popular maid/culture cafe schatz-kiste, where Etrian Odyssey-themed items will be featured on their menu.

Anyway, Siliconera wrote an article recently detailing a blog post that showed off how some of the in-game menus look, and included some very short videos of the game’s Classic Mode from one of Atlus’s blog posts.

Siliconera’s article also touches on gameplay elements borrowed from Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth. Treasure chest icons featured on maps will change to reflect being opened. Another borrowed feature from Persona Q is the presence of a confirmation window to verify that the player is OK with initial commands issued during battle. This is a feature that can be turned off of the player chooses to do so.

To check out some of the videos that Siliconera highlighted, continue reading below!

This first video is notable for the glimpse it provides of the bottom screen. Players can see such info as an enemy’s skills, items on hand, and elemental damage modifiers, if any. The black dialog box on the bottom right is a description of the enemy being highlighted.


This second video shows off the interface and dialog boxes for saving. It also reconfirms the presence of nine save files, and allows you to confirm whether or not you want to save over existing files.


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