Etrian Odyssey V Announced

Atlus has announced that the latest numbered entry for Etrian Odyssey is in development. The key staff includes veterans of the franchise, ranging from director Shigeo Komori, to character designer Yuji Himukai, composer Yuzo Koshiro and monster designer Shin Nagasawa. So far only a teaser trailer has been revealed, which you can watch below:


The trailer mentions something about a “potential for disaster” and adventuring a new world. The video ends with stunning artwork of the series iconic Yggdrasil tree, signifying that it will play a role in the series once more. No platform has been specified yet, but Atlus has been keeping the series on 3DS, so it’s likely that the new game will be released on the same platform.

Credit goes to Siliconera for translating parts of the trailer and Gematsu for listing the staff.

1 thought on “Etrian Odyssey V Announced

  1. pirovash88

    I’ve really been considering getting into these games. I think the art here looks fantastic. I have a buddy that’s a huge fan and has been recommending them for a while.


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