Etrian Mystery Dungeon: English Medic Trailer, North American Website Up

Atlus released their next character class video for this week. The trailer shines a spotlight on the Medic, a specialized healer class and a staple archetype in class-based RPG’s.

The #EMDmysterybox promotion also continues with the Medic video so be sure to share the video on Facebook or Twitter if you want to participate. There’s no mention of the end of the promotion for sharing the Medic video but based on previous videos, it should end early next week.

I’d also like to take the time to draw attention to the recent launching of the North American Etrian Mystery Dungeon website. It’s quite similar to the Japanese Etrian Mystery Dungeon website; even the color scheme viewing options for different classes are left intact. There are some omissions from the Japanese website like some videos, wallpapers (to be added later) and Twitter icons. However, now that all of the content is English elements of the game are more readily understandable, like localized names for the game’s systems and what certain Skills do. It is nevertheless nice to see attention in the form of elements like a website and preorder links through retailers being devoted to this new game.

Continue reading to check out the video and Atlus USA’s description of the Medic class!

Etrian Mystery Dungeon: Medic and Mystery Box!

Deciding to take the Medic along with you in Etrian Mystery Dungeon? Good, first smart decision you’ve made all day. Know what wasn’t smart? Putting your Runemaster up against a Furyhorn because you thought “he could take it.” Now we’re minus one gunner and you’ve left me with the option of either healing the Protector to keep them alive so the roomful of enemies stays off the rest of the party or unbinding and de-poisoning the Landsknecht so we can possibly kill an enemy and live to see tomorrow.

The Medic’s party role in Etrian Mystery Dungeon is constantly filled with life or death decisions, so do your best to make it easier on them by being a conscientious explorer. Yes, they can revive and heal your party members. And yes, they can even do some neat attacks of their own. But this does not mean you can toss people around just because you have a Medic. Keep your Runemasters in back, keep your Landsknechts up front, and pray that the Protector still has enough TP to provoke enemies.

Credit to this NeoGAF topic and its opening poster for the class description and notification of the North American Etrian Mystery Dungeon website’s launching. Credit goes to this Gematsu article for the featured image.

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