New Persona 4: Dancing All Night Trailer Features Naoto Shirogane

Atlus has released the next character trailer for Persona 4: Dancing All Night, introducing the “Detective Prince” herself, Naoto Shirogane. During the events of Persona 4, she was employed by the police in Inaba to investigate the chain of murders. She then joined Yu’s investigation team and helped find the culprit.

She is wearing her Persona 4 summer outfit in Dancing All Night but now with additions such as suspenders and fingerless gloves. The trailer shows off additional outfits, including an iconic detective uniform which is fitting for a descendant of a longtime family of detectives. Her appearance in Dancing All Night also showcases how her character has developed since Persona 4. While she still retains her androgynous looks, she now appears more confident, and her (standard) outfit and dancing style make her look more feminine than before.

You can watch the new trailer below.

6/25発売予定【ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト】白鐘直斗(CV.朴璐美)

Here’s a list of previous Persona 4: Dancing All Night character trailers for your convenience:

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  1. Pingback: New Persona 4: Dancing All Night Trailer Features Nanako Dojima - Segalization

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