Persona 4: Dancing All Night – Men’s Crossdressing Outfits Trailer

Not long ago, Atlus announced DLC plans including songs and costumes for Persona 4: Dancing All Night. Some of those costumes, specifically the men’s crossdressing outfits, can be seen in the preview trailer visible after the break. It shows off Yu’s “Sukeban Style” costume, Yosuke’s “High School Girl Look” costume, and Kanji’s “Sexy Dress” costume. That silhouette at the end is meant to tease Kanji’s seaweed outfit. Pretty hardcore!

We’ll very likely end up seeing more song and costume DLC once this game is released, so keep an eye out. The game comes out in Japan on June 25th, with an unspecified 2015 release date for North America.

6/25発売【ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト】コスチューム「学園祭女装+わかめセット」PV

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