7th Dragon III Code: VFD Vanisher and Battle/Dragon Trailers, 1st PV

AnimeNewsNetwork writes that Sega has uploaded two new trailers for 7th Dragon III: Code VFD. The first trailer is for the high-damaging Vanisher class, while the other trailer…is not for a character class but is a system video demoing battles featuring dragons, which are a stronger enemy class than usual. It also showcases the potential of your support teams (the “2nd” and “3rd” sets of three) through their participation in a combination attack. I had guessed there would be two character trailers at a time, but it seems I was wrong (this time!)

Sega has also published the first promotional video for the game, featuring the opening theme song. It’s quite a lengthy production at around three minutes!

The game is set for release on October 15.

Anyway, watch the videos after the break!

Vanisher Trailer:

「セブンスドラゴンIII code:VFD」職業『バニッシャー』紹介ムービー

Battle/Dragon Trailer:

「セブンスドラゴンIII code:VFD」バトル&ドラゴン紹介ムービー

Promotional Movie 01:

「セブンスドラゴンIII code:VFD」プロモーションムービー

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