3rd Batch of March DLC for Project DIVA F 2nd Released

The Project Diva F 2nd DLC releases for the month of March come to an end with the release of the 3rd batch today. These include the Rhythm Game Songs “Rosary Pale” by Shinjou-P and “Promise” by samfree, four Costume Modules (“Hatsune Miku Cute”, “Kagamine Rin Cute”, and “Classic” and “Campus” for Kaito) and three UI skins. For information on the previous releases, you can find information on the first batch of the March DLC here and the second batch here. Below you can find screenshots of the songs, modules and UI skins included in today’s DLC release.

UPDATE: Sega has confirmed that the DLC release for the EU has been delayed and will be released one week later, on April 8.

Rhythm Game Songs

Costume Modules

UI Skins

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