Shenmue 3 Is Now the Most Funded Video Game on Kickstarter Ever

With only a few hours left until the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter ends, it has now beaten the previous record of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night to become the most funded video game on Kickstarter ever. At the moment the total funding amount has exceeded $5,800,000. With around 6 hours to go, it may yet have a chance of reaching the $6 million target. The Kickstarter has now has also added a new $39 reward, which aside from the digital version of the game also included exclusive wallpapers, and a mention of your name on the official website. Given the fact that Yu Suzuki would have liked to reach $10 million, there’s probably a good chance that they’ll continue funding through PayPal after the Kickstarter ends, although as of yet this hasn’t been confirmed by Ys Net.

A Twitch stream will take place in the final hours of the Kickstarter campaign, which you can watch here. Let’s hope Awesome Japan will deliver a more professional presentation this time around, so that the Kickstarter can end on a high note!

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