Miracle Girls Festival WUG

New Miracle Girls Festival Trailer

A recently-released shop front trailer for Sega’s Miracle Girls Festival is now playing in retail stores across Japan. The trailer is modest in length but comprehensive, aiming to offer a summary of what’s featured in the game to entice players to buy it. It is narrated by Yuka Ootsubo (who, incidentally, voices characters from four franchises present here: Yuru Yuri, Vividred Operation, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, and Go! Go! 575!) and Ayaka Oohashi. It’s a game meant to be both for fans of certain anime franchises and rhythm gaming fans.

Miracle Girls Festival is a Project DIVA-inspired rhythm game featuring a host of popular anime franchises with girl groups in them, among them being Wake Up, Girls!, the franchise pictured above, and Yuru Yuri. There are two songs available to play per franchise. Notable features include the game’s Tour Mode where you manage your groups and perform, figure collection, and other elements like costumes.

Miracle Girls Festival is set to release on December 17 in Japan, for Playstation Vita. There are no known localization plans for the game. One might say that this game has little chance of localization, but with Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax heading westward and Sega’s consistent localization of Project DIVA games (and these franchises represented in Miracle Girls Festival being moderately popular in their own right, such decisions can be hard to call!

Continue reading to check out the trailer!


Credit goes to this sega-mag article for the featured image. Credit to this Gematsu article for certain pieces of information and the initial announcement.

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