Tag Archives: Principality of Gallia

Principality of Gallia

Valkyria Chronicles Mod For Civilization V – Principality of Gallia

The fan content love for Valkyria Chronicles continues with a mod of the PC strategy game Civlization V. The Civilization games are complex games where the player is tasked with a leading a civilization to growth and promoting its survival by managing many facets of its development, while keeping in mind such factors as the resources needed to sustain your civilization and your environment, besides the other civilizations you interact with (maybe in a not-so-friendly manner.)

The mod “Principality of Gallia” adds Gallia as a civilization choice besides the preset choices given with the base Civilization V game. As you many know, Gallia is a small, humble country with access to the ocean and rivers adding to its lushness. It’s also rich in the all-purpose mineral Ragnite, which invites The Empire’s invasion in the first Valkyria Chronicles game. In Civilization one typically manages resources and this mod adds Ragnite as a resource. Civilization games are conveyed to the player through the vantage point of a civilization leader, and the leader for Principality of Gallia is Welkin Gunther.

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