Tag Archives: Shenmue 3

Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Reaches Goal, but How Much Does It Really Need?

Less than 9 hours after the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter was launched, it already reached its $2 million goal. It’s an amazing and record breaking performance, as Shenmue 3 is now the fastest game to reach both the $1 million and later the $2 million mark. At the moment, the game has already reached the $2.5 million stretch goal as well. With this, it seems the dream of Shenmue fans around the world will finally become a reality.

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Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Announced At E3!

Yu Suzuki has announced a Kickstarter for Shenmue 3 at E3 2015! You can find the link here, although Kickstarter is having trouble at the moment handling the requests:


The official website for the game: http://shenmue.link/

The goal is $2,000,000. The game is being built on the Unreal 4 engine for PC and PS4. That should be an easy target to reach for Shenmue fans! At the moment, it seems only the PC will receive a physical copy, with a digital copy being an option for PS4. However, a lot can still change, especially seeing how fast the Kickstarter is heading towards its goal!

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