Tag Archives: Jet Set Radio

Sega of Japan’s Franchise Revival Poll Results Revealed! Sakura Wars Takes Victories!
About a week ago, SEGA of Japan announced that they were running a series of polls to gauge fan interest levels in particular characters and franchises – most notably featuring a variety of legacy SEGA options.
During today’s SEGA Fes. stream, the results of the polls were announced. The corresponding NeoGAF thread (with specific post cited below) has compiled both the ranked results for each of the three polls and the number of votes each franchise received, with the top ten options being listed for each poll.
To recap, there were three questions: which franchise do you want to see revived, which brand are you most invested in, and who is your favorite SEGA character. The results are as follows (credited to NeoGAF user The Bankslammer, and Phanton River Stone for additional entries):
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Green Man Gaming SEGA Spring Sale Includes Valkyria Chronicles, NiGHTS, Jet Set Radio, And More…
Digital retailer Green Man Gaming has launched a Spring sale featuring plenty of SEGA PC games . We picked out the game’s relevant to our interests and included them in a list below. If you’re interested in adding some more SEGA games to your collection, you may want to take a look.
Game | Discounted Price | Discounted % |
Binary Domain | $3.74/€3.74 | 75% |
Binary Domain Collection | $3.99/€3.99 | 75% |
Jet Set Radio | $1.24/€0.99 | 75% |
NiGHTS into Dreams HD | $2.49/€1.99 | 75% |
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing | $2.49/€2.49 | 75% |
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed | $4.99/€4.99 | 75% |
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed 4 Pack | $14.99/€14.99 | 75% |
Tembo the Badass Elephant | $3.74/€3.24 | 75% |
The Typing of the Dead: Overkill | $4.99/€4.49 | 75% |
Valkyria Chronicles | $4.99/€4.99 | 75% |

Wonder Festival 2015 Sega and Atlus Figures/Garage Kits – Goro Majima Announced, and Much More
This past weekend, the Summer Wonder Festival 2015 (second Wonder Festival of the year) showed off a variety of garage kits. Sega and Atlus properties were well represented at this event. Shockingly, there are figures for 7th Dragon III Code: VFD! Also, besides the previously announced figma for Kazuma Kiryu, a figma was also announced for Goro Majima to be in production at this event, as shown above.
Find a list below of Sega and Atlus related figures, with links to teaser images courtesy of myfigurecollection.net. Please keep in mind that some of the material is NSFW (as noted), and some of the images are promotional/serve as teasers for the art that is later to come. Some links will not display near-final renders of a figure.
- Persona 3 Male MC
- Virtua Fighter Sarah Bryant
- Virtua Fighter Akira Yuki
- Yakuza Goro Majima
- Snow Mikudayo Nendoroid
- Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Co-de
- Hatsune Miku 1/12 by FREEing
- Megurine Luka 1/12 by FREEing
- Project DIVA F 2nd Orange Blossom Hatsune Miku by Max Factory
- Shining Resonance Kirika Towa Alma by Kotobukiya
- 7th Dragon III Code: VFD’s Samurai Class by Max Factory
- 7th Dragon III Code: VFD’s Rune Knight by Vertex
- Valkyria Chronicles Selvaria Bles by Vertex (NSFW)
- Jet Set Radio’s Beat by Union Creative International Ltd.
Interestingly, it seems Sega is listed as manufacturing a handful of anime-related figures. None are so important as this one below:
Yahari Ore no Seishun LoveCome wa Machigatteiru. Zoku’s Yui Yuigahama
Only making a figure of Yui, of all characters from that series? Sega solidifies themselves as arbiters of taste by choosing the best character. After all, she was brought to us to bring justice to this world. If you are a fan of Iroha Isshiki, you are probably pretty cool, but if you are a fan of Yukino Yukinoshita, I am beyond disgusted.

Humble Bundle Launches “Destination: Japan” Sale, Includes Five SEGA Games
Humble Bundle has launched a new Destination: Japan sale at the moment, and among them are five SEGA games, which we have listed below (with the discounted price in USD and EUR). Aside from the Sega games, Compile Heart’s Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 is also on sale. We recently reported news on the crossover game between the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise and SeHa Girls franchises, which will feature a new character called Sega Hatsumi. The sales will end in less than 2 days from now.
Game | Original Price | Offer Price (USD) | Offer Price (EUR) |
Valkyria Chronicles | $19.99 | $4.99 | €4.99 |
The Typing of The Dead: Overkill | $19.99 | $4.99 | €4,49 |
Jet Set Radio | $4.99 | $1.24 | €0,99 |
NiGHTS into Dreams | $9.99 | $2.49 | €1,99 |
Binary Domain | $14.99 | $3.75 | €3,74 |

BlitWorks (Spanish porting house) Suggests Fans Keep Asking for Ports of Sega Games
Recently, Spanish website Gamespek conducted an interview with the Spanish porting company BlitWorks. Selected translated comments posted to this NeoGAF thread suggest that the company’s boss, Tony Cabello, encourages fans to continue to ask Sega for ports of games, and welcome the opportunity to handle ports themselves.
A page detailing their portfolio can be seen on their official website, alongside the platforms they work on. Among their works, the Sega standouts are Jet Set Radio (Vita, PS3, Android, iOS, 360, PC) and Sonic CD (PC, 360, PS3.) A few years ago, BlitWorks approached Sega with working demos of Jet Set Radio, Sonic CD, and Shenmue, but apparently Sega had expressed interest in the first two.
They also mention that they used a certain “emulation trick” to make Jet Set Radio operable on the firmware versions that were the newest at the time, but the game ceased to be functional with later updates, such as on iOS8. The terms of BlitWorks’ contract apparently didn’t enable them to revisit the mobile ports to retool them and render them functional. Jet Set Radio is one of many games culled from Sega’s current mobile offerings in a sort of “quality assurance” initiative.

Sonic and Friends Anniversary Sale on North American Playstation Store
Sega is celebrating Sonic’s 24th Anniversary with a big sale on Playstation Store in North America discounting a large assortment of Sonic games and DLC content, as well as select Sega titles such as Daytona USA, NiGHTS into Dreams and Yakuza 4. The sale will end next Tuesday, June 30th.

Project Diva F 2nd and Jet Set Radio on Sale
Sony is celebrating Playstation Vita’s 3rd birthday with a big sale on North American PSN. Among the titles discounted are Project Diva F 2nd and Jet Set Radio. The sale will begin during the weekly Playstation Network update on Tuesday, Feb 24th and last until the following week.
Game | Original Price | Sale Price | Plus Price |
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd | $39.99 | $23.99 | $19.99 |
Jet Set Radio (Vita) | $9.99 | $5.99 | $4.99 |